Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Home Exterior Upgrades Pay Off

Are you wanting to sell your home in the near future? Well, it might be time to spruce up the curb appeal.

door sweeps for exterior doors

Right or wrong, homes are often judged from the time eyes first light upon them. You can't judge a book by its cover? Well, we do ... all the time. And it's no different with a home. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make a good first impression.


Your Home's Book Cover

What are the most visible and important exterior factors of a home's appearance? Here are some of the most effective ones. If you pay attention to these, and make some nice upgrades, you'll be in great shape.

The Landscaping: Most people love a beautifully cared for lawn and garden. In the faster paced world, people do not want to think they'll have to start over with landscaping. They want something good to start with! Siding & Roofing: The siding, paint, stucco, rock, brick, or whatever outward appearance your home has must be fresh, clean, balanced and in good repair. When I say balanced, it means that everything should match and compliment. Especially the trim and roofing. Windows and Treatments: Your home's windows and trim really say something about the home. This is another area where they must compliment the rest of the exterior look. The Front Door: Glass and color are very attractive to most people. Beveled or stained glass and solid, substantial doors give the sense of quality and welcome. Walkways and Driveways: Very often there are walks and driveways right out front and adjacent to the street. These, being extremely visible, can really catch the eye and attention of the first time visitor.

These are the most valuable changes you can make. They can be costly or they can be done frugally. Your neighborhood and your current value will dictate the approach you should take to spending money.

Match the Neighborhood Style & Value

Never try to become the highest price home in your market or neighborhood. The years have proven that people just will not pay more than the going price for a home in any particular neighborhood. There can be a range and some flexibility to this, as an exception to the rule, especially if the homes in the area are customs, and vary significantly in size and style.

Whatever approach you take, remember that you have only one shot at making that first impression. So, make it a good one!

Home Exterior Upgrades Pay Off

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