Sunday, September 4, 2011

Under Door Draft is a Nuisance

Is an under door draft getting on your nerves? Such a problem should not be taken lightly, as it can add up to an extra large bill arriving in the mail. This is a year-round problem as well, not just in the colder weather months as people commonly believe.

exterior doors for home

An under door draft is common in many older homes due to settlement over the years, as well as new homes with improperly installed doors. A gap where the bottom of the door meets the threshold allows air to flow in from the outdoors. The problem isn't limited to just the front and back entry doors. It can also occur with sliding doors, basement doors, attic doors and garage doors.


Your temperature settings will be affected by an under door draft. As cold air comes into your house the temperature level will fall and this will turn your heating system on to compensate. If warm is intruding, your cooling system, window AC unit or ceiling fan will work overtime to keep you cool. Both cases result in a higher energy bill.

There is documented research that proves that an under door draft can increase your energy bills by as much as 25% a month. That adds up to a significant amount over an entire year. With the worlds attention on conserving energy and reducing our carbon footprint to save the environment, it makes sense to reduce your energy use by blocking drafts.

A device that stops drafts is the perfect solution for resolving an under door draft problem. Designed to fit snugly under a standard size door, they have been shown to effectively stop air from entering through gaps at the bottom of the door.

Some people think that it is expensive to fix an under door draft problem, because they will need to buy a new door. The opposite is true as the solution costs very little, but will get the job done. The draft blocker is also known as a door snake or a door pillow and is custom made to insulate the door from exterior drafts.

When looking for products to stop an under door draft, read how they are made carefully. Not all draft blockers or door snakes are well made to be effective in blocking air. Those that are efficient are made from a strong polypropylene material on the exterior and have a good insulating material inside. Finely ground corn cob is an example of a filler material that has been documented as being superior insulation.

When you consider how economical and low maintenance an under door draft blocker can be, it becomes the perfect energy-saving solution for your home. With their low cost, you can buy enough for all the doors in your home where outdoor air can seep in. They last forever and are easy to clean, making them the perfect insulator for your home.

Under Door Draft is a Nuisance

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